Artist Relief Grant 2021

Call to Artists

Artist Relief Grants 2021


support artists still struggling during this COVID-19 crisis, the No More
Starving Artists Foundation (NMSAF) has agreed to provide another round of unrestricted,
emergency micro grants though ART AID.  These five $1000 micro grants will be provided
to artists in Palm Beach County.

year we were only able to award two of three grants who qualified.  Because of this, we were able to roll the
remaining funds into another grant program and award a greater dollar amount to
more artists.


Fee: No charge

·         Host:  NMSAF Art AID

Call opens 
August 13, 2021

Deadline for submission:  August 31,2021 11:59 PM

Accepted Artists Announcement: TBA


1.       Must reside
in Palm Beach County

2.       Must be 18
years or older

3.       Open to professional
artists in the following disciplines:

a)      visual
artists (Painting, photography, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, fashion
design, installation, murals)

b)      musicians

c)       singers

d)      dancers

e)      spoken

All artists must submit the following

Updated CV/resume (Word doc or PDF format ONLY)
no more than 2 pages

Bio (Word doc or PDF format ONLY) no more than 2 pages 

Images/content of work that produced by artist.   Minimum
of five Maximum of ten (Please note: We do not only want to see images of art
by itself. We want to see the artist and public interact with art.) Example:
 Sculptor creating a piece of art, patrons
viewing the art, acoustic guitarist performing at a show, etc.

All images must be in JPEG format. Name your
images YOUR LAST NAME_TITLE OF ART. Images cannot be smaller than 150 – 300 dpi or
maximum of 1 – 3 MB.
 Video content needs
to be submitted via YouTube link of Vimeo link. Please put the hyperlink in
either Word doc or PDF format only. to [email protected]

e) Write why you feel you qualify for this grant. (Word doc or PDF format ONLY) no more than two paragraphs.


follow the detailed instruction:

Log in to your account at

Click Create

Click Folder

Name your folder YOUR First & Last Name and
you art discipline ( Example:  Joe Smith singer

You will see two choices for “who can access”.  Click SPECIFIC PEOPLE

Click Next

Type to  [email protected]

Keep  “

Add the message. YOUR NAME  applying for Art AID grant

Click share

The folder should now be in your dashboard.

Click the folder

Click the button that says UPLOAD

Click files

Proceed to upload all your content into the


Any work
not submitted in this format will be disqualified.  DO NOT send any of your submissions directly
to us instead of through Dropbox. Any submissions sent directly us not
following the guidelines will be disqualified and ineligible to proceed any

·         Ineligibility:

         1.       Students

         2.       Any
artists who received the last round of Artist Relief funds in 2020 or Art AID
in the last 12 months

        3.       Representation
of a deceased artists or estates of a deceased artist.

        4.       Submissions
of art to the call in any other format except

   There are no requirements as to how the funds can
be spent. The only stipulation is that all artists who receive the grant must
to agree to our Pay It Forward Clause (PIF). Please review the PIF guidelines.