Your Art is a Small Business


In partnership with the Ted Center (Center For Technology,
Enterprise and Development), NMSAF is coordinating a line of
free professional artists business development workshops.  This is to create a better understanding as to
what is needed to establish your art as a full functioning business.

In order to qualify for the workshops, you must first fill
out the comprehensive survey attached below. 
The questionnaire is phase 1 of the program. If you qualify, you will
receive the opportunity to participate in our Zoom presentations to help you
navigate your art business properly.

  • Please do the follow:
  • Download the survey.
  • Fill out all the information
  • Save you application as either  YOUR FULL NAME_ NMSAF Business Survey.doc  or YOUR FULL NAME_ NMSAF Business Survey.PDF
  • Send it back via
     to [email protected]  with the subject line  YOUR FULL NAME  
  • Business Survey should be sent in no later than Nov. 30th
    as the Deadline.