Sponsored by Marcia Levine, Arts Commission Vice Chair and Art Patron
DEADLINE May 15th 12noon
Boynton Beach Art in Public Places has launched an artists program to create 24”W x 18”H artworks that can be submitted digitally and contain a verbal and visual message that conveys ways we continue to connect to community.
Examples of verbal messaging: Be Kind, Compassion, Unity, Love, Hope, Mercy, Generous, Good, Considerate, Grateful….
20 selected artists will have their artwork printed on one of 20 signs placed throughout the City. Each selected artist will receive $50 and have their artwork printed on the front of the sign. The back of the sign will promote the artists name and web site, along with the City of Boynton Beach Art in Public Places BoyntonBeachArts.org and ThirdStreetSigns.com.
How to submit your artwork by the May 15th 12noon DEADLINE:
Eligibility: Palm Beach County artists over 18yrs old. Boynton Beach artists will receive preferred selection.
Submission to include:
- Name
- Email address
- Physical/ Studio address
- Phone
- Website
- Social Media Sites
- Artwork Name
- Artwork Medium
- Attach a 24″W x 18″H jpeg image of your artwork (300dpi) 1 to 2mb (smaller or larger files will be rejected)
- Copy and paste above with answers in an email addressed to [email protected] and copy [email protected] and attach artwork.
The selected artists will be notified via email and an artwork release form will be requested.
Please visit the Art in Public Places social media sites to see the current 20/20/50 ARTIST RELIEF VIRTUAL EXHIBITION