Boynton Beach Art in Public Places is launching an online social media program to support and promote artists through the artwork they create in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first 20 eligible artwork submissions
will be posted on the AiPP social media sites
for 20 consecutive days and
artists will receive $50 each.
How to submit your artwork by the April 2nd 12noon DEADLINE:
Eligibility: Palm Beach County artists 18 and older. Boynton Beach artists will receive preferred selection.
Email submissions to: [email protected] by April 2nd at noon
Submission to include:
- Name:
- Email address:
- Physical/studio address:
- Phone:
- Website:
- Social media sites: FaceBook/Twitter/ Instagram
- Artwork name:
- Artwork size:
- Artwork medium:
- 1 sentence describing what your artwork expresses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Attach an image of your artwork (no larger that 500KB)
Copy and paste above information with answers in an email to [email protected] and attached artwork image.
Once we have your contact information an artwork image release form will be emailed for you to sign (must be 18 and older) to process your $50 payment.
Thank you,
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Manager